NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - The County Council is responsible for education, health, libraries, public transport, trading standards, roads/highways/pavements, street lights, road markings/signage/safety, parking, waste recycling, public rights of way and environment.
CITY OF YORK COUNCIL - The City Council unitary authority is responsible for planning, council tax, schools within its’ area (see NYCC for schools outside CYC area) waste collection, grass cutting, overgrown hedges/trees and dog fouling. If you would like to report issues relating to any of the above, please see their website, email or telephone (01904) 551550.
DEIGHTON PARISH COUNCIL - Deighton Parish Council has no authority to deal with any of the above issues – residents should contact either CYC or NYCC in the first instance, as appropriate.
The Parish Council is responsible for local projects, provision of input into planning applications and external consultations, raising the profile of issues (such as A19 safety), help and support community initiatives and communicate issues impacting the local community (including charitable events and those organised by CYC and its’ derivative bodies).